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No Fear Here
Sunday, 23 September 2007
busy equals... (rant)

-not really having time to blog

-not having time to do anything but eat @ your desk, 1 or 2 meals a day

-not having time to do much but work 12-16 hours a day on the weekdays, and 5-10 hours on the weekends. And I'm talking about, sitting down and working, nonstop, maybe with 1-2 toilet breaks lasting 5 minutes. Not chatting on the phone, not reading news articles on line, not doing horoscopes or reading personal emails, or browsing the web. I mean, working, multitasking, doing projects while on 2 conference calls at the same time, kind of working. Do do do. Deliver deliver deliver. prioritizing between 5-10 deadlines every single day. Not just working on 1 project at a time, with lulls in between, but working your ass off, every single minute, that kind of working. And when you are done, you just get to go to sleep so that you can wake up and do it again. With no "rewarding yourself".

-not getting more then 6 hours of sleep on average a night for 6 months

-being on the road all the time for work - not for fun

-doing conference calls every day on the weekend

-at the same time as all of the above, having to find at least 2 hours to take care of sick pets or husbands a day, every day.

-not having time to take time off when you are sick or when you've gone through surgery

-not really having time to blog

-not having time to see/call/write to friends and family

-not wanting to plan anything because you'd not look forward to it when the time came because of all the stuff you actually HAVE to do

-only seeing 2 movies in 2007 so far

-watching less then 10 hours of TV in 2007 so far

-not having time to study anything including, martial arts, japanese, or anything else

-having new floors and windows and water filter and air conditioner installed while all of the above

-having 2 surgeries while above is happening

-having to console coworkers through losing loved ones or for work stress

-not having time to work out but once a week

-not having time for haircut in 9 months

-missing countless invitations from friends to various parties and events which don't even sound fun anymore because now fun=whenever that time comes when you don't have to do all of the above because you must

-having conference calls with India at 6am and at 10pm every single friggin day

-having to deal with the needs of your condo association at the same time as all of the above

-dealing with crisises that friends and family are having while going through all of the above

-still making time to see one friend a week (rationing it out so that it is sustainable)

-having to pick up supplies, prescriptions, dealing with financials, broken phone lines, getting estimates from 8 closet vendors, and groceries.

-no time for cooking anything, drawing anything, making anything, or getting to any "rainy day" projects like putting up art in the house or finishing up picking out furniture. No time to sit down and just relax. Being stressed out about reading a book for an hour and then feeling guilty about doing it afterwards.

That, my friends, is what busy really is. I'm busy. I'll be like this for another 3-6 months while my company goes through another growth spurt. I'll be under this rock till then. And if you are mad at me for not being around, then I just wish that you never get how busy I am right now, from personal experience, cuz i promise, you won't like it.  Last week, I probably spent less then 10 hours on: personal grooming, eating, reading, responding to personal email or phone calls other then that of my immediate family, and cleaning. I can't even make time to clean out the fridge or to put stuff back from the floor re-do yet. I have 0 days off this year. I'm cranky.

Posted by anteojos at 11:27 PM CDT

Monday, 24 September 2007 - 4:11 PM CDT

Name: "el"

Try to fit in a massage somewhere. It helps relief stress. Or at least you can ask your husband to massage your scalp/head and neck for 10 min.

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