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No Fear Here
Monday, 6 December 2004
camera! and what I want for christmas
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Day to Day
Here's what I want for christmas, by the way, in case you people are going to bother:

1. belly button rings, i'm bored with the two that I have.
2. small portable digial metal detector for treasure hunting
3. gift certificates to www.chicagosailing.com.
4. gift certificates to vp salon
5. printer paper
6. gift certificate to fry's electronics (towards portable weather station, lava lamps, scooters... ok, more like, CD/dvd burner, actually...)
7. gift certificate to amazon.com
8. small compass suitable for orienteering
9. gift certificates to mark shale
10. subscriptions to: popular science, national geographic, smithsonian, scientific american, in that order.
11. microphone for the computer, so that i can talk to you all on messenger
12. something like a blackberry or a palm or other kind of hand held to which i can download e-book like stuff, that can be used in the dark if needed. (hint, ebay)
13. offer to count my shoes
14. champaigne truffles
15. learn to speak japanese, german, french CDs or DVD's

ok, that's all for now.

today I:

had lunch with the original Nao, dinner with my parents, and saw national treasure with MD. Um, still have to...er ... pack. Gina, it's 12:31 PM and you are so freaking dead on you know me so well no I still have not packed.

By the way, the parents gave me a digital camera for New Years! my present early. I'll use it right away. Expect picture links soon at this location, as I will probably have my pc and email access in the UK.

Hey if any british people from Leeds and Manchester read this site, I'd love tips on what ancient things I could see there. I've exhausted the web stuff, I want to know about the stuff I'm not likely to find or know about unless I'm a super duper local who knows everything about their town's deep deep history. Especially since I'm all about reading about the Masons and the Knights Templar, that kind of stuff would be way cool cuz i just read everything by dan brown and saw national treasure and know that the knights templar took over leeds for a while so like I'm all excited to see any cool architecture and learn some lore. Also celtic stuff too. And also, how does lunch work in europe???

Posted by anteojos at 12:44 AM CST
Saturday, 4 December 2004
BM's company party
Mood:  chatty
Topic: my own bachelorette show
Saturday night I went to a stupid holiday company party with BM, and ended up babysitting him after he got totally trashed half way through the night.

It was a hotel party, so I basically managed to get him to his room and get him into bed and he kinda blacked out. I had to get his shoes off for him and everything. Then I went back out and partied with his friends. The crowd and his friends were pretty lame though. Most of the guys were immature jerks and their girlfriends/wives, despite the guys being in their late twenties early thirties, were way too young - most around 21 and really stereotypical. I ended up spending more time with Rocco, a dude from a pretty famous local band that was hired for the party who was bummed out because he just got dumped. And I made a new friend out of one of the only wives there, who was somewhat around my age. So it's not a total wash, but it's all about opportunity cost. I'm going to have very little free time from now on, and I think I'd rather spend it on my friends then on someone who's just OK to date. I missed two friends' bands concerts playing for this. I don't mind being supportive and all, but it's kinda shitty to bring a date that doesn't know anyone at a party, and get smashed? Because then the date is on her own. Which for me is not a problem to get acquainted with new people, but he doesn't know me well enough to assume that, plus jeez, what am I suppose to think about a guy that does that at a work party... And he was rude to me while we were getting ready, and then I end up having to take care of him. I pick real winners! He flew out to costa rica (I had to get him up at 5:30 and on the plane) this morning, and I didn't have the heart to dump him before his vacation. But I'm looking forward to it when we both get back into town. Straw, camel's back. Yeah, it shouldn't have to come down to this, but I guess I feel that I should give people a chance. Less then 2 months wasted, I guess.

Posted by anteojos at 12:01 AM CST
rich called 3 times today.
Topic: Weird stuff happens to me

Posted by anteojos at 12:01 AM CST
Friday, 3 December 2004
SY's B-day
Topic: Friends
happy B-Day to SY! I had a great time at the party. SY has this awesome new dance move she does, it's really cool!

But, dear Alumni Club in Schaumburg, you suck!

1. melded the icecream cake even though I told you 10 times to be careful with it.
2. took 45 minutes to serve drinks
3. re-negged on your offer to give all of her guests 2 free drinks
4. had shitty music that recycled itself multiple times. Come on, "lean back" 3 times in 4 hours? Gimmie a break!
5. are grossly understaffed.
6. you wouldn't bring the cake with candles lit
7. your manager is retarded.

Posted by anteojos at 12:01 AM CST
Thursday, 2 December 2004
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Friends
Hals and I looked at more photo albums and worked on her resume. I owe 2 people to look at their CV's and I gotta get that done asap!

Posted by anteojos at 12:01 AM CST
Tuesday, 30 November 2004
red lion
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Friends
aaaw, you guys are soo sweet - red lion was selected for terrible wednesday because I'm wende to engeland next week. Friends wanted me to get used to brit food.

Anyone know anything about tea and england? Do people really drink tea several times a day there?

Why is manchester united not playing conveniently on the day that I'm in manchester?

I'm going to find out if there really is "man" in manchester. ha ha. I'm so not funny, sorry.

Posted by anteojos at 12:01 AM CST
Friday, 26 November 2004
Topic: unfinished
I haven't been blogging cuz my computer is still at the repair dude.

So here's a catchup as far as I can remember. Longer stories of each thing to follow.

future plans: tonight? sushi dinner with BM
6 work! england
5 15 years in america celebration with family
4 BM holiday party.
3 SY b-day party (b-day is actually sunday)
2 terrible wednesday? at the museum...
1 - dodgeball?
-terrible wedensday?

-went to doctor for annual physical
-will now hang out with friends
-will eat sushi with BM
-bm at night
-aa and gp at woodfield to protect me from psycho RC. RC went awall. story coming soon. way out there...
-took dane to train station; found out truth about him roughing up his girlfriend afterwards!!! would not have helped him if I knew.
-nite out with md, friends at Joe's watching MikenJOE
-SY made me yummy fish
stayed in at night. Went to eye doc during day, had last tear drain blocked. ouch.
Turkey day with HG
-was supposed to go out with Kevin who blew me off, what a loser. story coming.
-Went to Cubbybear in burbs, burb clubbing
interesting. then teasers and taco burrito king
terrible tuesday? at that college bar.
Bob chin's with LT, HG, and Chris
-I think I hang out with BM at night.
-had a drink with md before hand. don't remember what else.
-this is going further back now, dunno.oh yes, party at K's house for mag mile lights; dublin's, hang up. Lots of stories here. stay tunned.
-Nick in town. Nick's a dick. Story to follow.
NO idea.... I think I made everyone go to that dance thing.
really can't remember



Posted by anteojos at 12:01 AM CST
Sunday, 14 November 2004
Topic: Friends
today was all about friends.

11 am brunchamunch for r and jkm's bday, with jk and terryn for r and jkm's bday. Went to the marriot in UICville, which used to be a hyatt. when it was a hyatt, it used to be good. now the selection, service, and champaigne were severely missing. bummer, never again.

2 pm date with BM, mex fine arts museum, nuevo leon. then hung out at his place and watched Paycheck. Ben Aflac is not that hot in it. Not enough skin. Uma - ditto. But I liked the movie. I liked the clues and the uncertainty of the plot. Yes, it is far fetched, but it was a mystery action type. I got into it and was able to ignore the impossible, like if there is a ragin inferno in the room, half of the room wouldn't just survive, and I don't care if the stuff in the room is nonflamable... Well, if it is, then there shouldn't have been such an inferno. Ok see, the seeing the future thing, the whole thing is messed up, and the lotto deal at the end, wouldn't the feds catch him then? lotto winners are not unanomous. dot dot dot... paper lotto in the electronic day and age? not enough hand held gadgets and just regular cell phones... couldn't decide when this took place. Ok so if I think about the movie, it starts being stupid, but if I go along with it, it's fun.

then went to S's house for Eid, had wonderful amazing food, with her, E, K, and D. And TEA!

Then went home to meet r and go to the green mill to meet t and s and listen to jazz, till 2 something. And now I'm home blogging away so that I never forget the good times.

Didn't spend anough time catching up with G and H, exchanged messages with MD, and didnt' have a resolution or makeup with B this whole weekend even though I tried. oh well. There is a limit to how much one can do in one day.

Posted by anteojos at 12:01 AM CST
Saturday, 13 November 2004
oh what a bad blogger I am
Mood:  don't ask
Topic: Day to Day
so unfortunately, this is a very fast catchup blog.

first of all, I'm sick. I'm on some weird antibiotic where you're not suppose to lie down for 30 minutes after taking it. Hmmm. No dairy either.

Second, BF saga continues. I got back a wishy washy response to my note, and have entered verbal discussions of same. Stay tuned to this chanel to watch my heart self-destruct.

Third, winter sucks in chicago.

A day by day catchup for what i can remember.

tonight i'll be going to balet with family, followed by rest.

yesterday it was like this:

Shopping for fall clothes, Picking up cake, balloons for Jenny's b-day, picking up Halls, JKM's b-day party in little italy, ryan adams concert at the riv (N side)roots at the house of blues, GBY's house party N side, some bar downthe street from it, till closure, and then, Berlin. There was one sort of hot dude at Berlin, but his gender preference is a big question mark + I was sick so I chose not to find out.

Thursday: doctor, play from the Panick movement with SY and MD. Then some quality time with MD. Dunno what I think about this one, just having fun.

Wednesday: lunch with LT, salsa at Buzz, badminton league (which did me in with the flu)

Tue: terrible wednesday at mayan palace with all. md showed up. then we went back to his place...

Mon: I think I stayed in and tried to feel better? I can't remember. Yeah, I think that's right.

Tomorrow I have b-day brunch with JKM and RG, maybe a race in the morning if I'm able to stand, and a some quality time with BM, who's being very cute, btw. I'm not getting into a committed relationship with anyone till I get to know him better.

Posted by anteojos at 6:15 PM CST
Tuesday, 9 November 2004
Mood:  down
Now Playing: acoustic fitz 2003 by JohnFred
Topic: Music
Dunno how I foundthis site yesterday, but it seems fun. I haven't listened to that many songs yet, but I feel like something like this really puts the choice of what I listen to into my hands vs. the big radio stations and record labels. This should be fun. Noticed that music files that are easy to download without signing up are RAM and this is pathetic but I can't figure out how to make my default music player play those kinds of files. I probably need to upgrade/download a different player, or download the file and play it out of a different player or read their tech support but I just don't feel like doing the work right now so hopefully later I'll figure it out.

Posted by anteojos at 10:59 AM CST

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