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No Fear Here
Friday, 29 October 2004
preparatory run for sunday
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: On the way to Triathlon
ok, so in case i run the 10 k on sunday, which depends on the size of the hangover and the hours of sleep obtained, I did a longer run today... this is also in preparation for the 11/14 run cuz that's going to be key to me.

total run time 42.33
average bpm 166, not bad. the humidity sucked. actually, the whole thing sucked. need new shoes. 1st 1/2 of it was low heartrate, the second was really high. what's up?
in zone 21:30...

total distance about 4 miles:

9:58 mile one
10:28 mile two
10:08 mile three

and the rest of the time was getting to and from the place where I know what a mile is... so the times were high but I was going for length not speed... could have gone for both but I figured that's not what I wanted to build. Wish I knew if what I'm doing was right or not. sigh

Posted by anteojos at 7:59 PM CDT
this week's workouts
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: On the way to Triathlon
I've been terrible in logging workout stuff the past couple of weeks. So here's my workout as far as I can remember for this week:

Mon: Bike
Tue: Speed training - running doing some 8 min miles
Wed: running, badminton
Thu: bike, actually kept stats this time, although not all. Actual excersize time was longer, but i always forget to turn the thing on.

exe time 58.28
in zone: 11:07, oh so inconsistent on the bike.
ave hr 143 bpm. very inconsistent.
Tried to go @ 30-35 kilometers/hour on the first half of the workout... but regressed to 20-25 for the second half, unfortunately.

Now off to run. Distance training today because tomorrow will be no workout since there will be a 10K race sunday morning.

Posted by anteojos at 6:09 PM CDT
Tuesday, 26 October 2004
shopping spree
Mood:  quizzical
Topic: Day to Day
Ok, i'm blogging like a mad woman. Why? Because I need to sort some stuff out in my head.

What to avoid prior to actually starting a new job? Spending the money you don't have yet. Thoughts such as using dollar bills for toilet paper should not cross one's mind. Besides, it's not that much money and it's no reason to walk away from a fairly frugal lifestyle. As it is, I had my first major shopping trip in 5 months - this is major for me because I don't buy a lot of stuff. I bought $60 of makeup at Este Lauder. Ok, I only bought 2 things, but that's how much makeup costs. Bronser and tone corrector. Bronser will be great for clubbing, but should not be used liberally outside of that.

I also bought 2 godiva truffles, which made me sick from the strong caffeine. The seasonal pumpkin truffle comes in an appropriately decorative foil, and I highly recommended that everyone tries it. It's like a pie filling, yum!

I also picked up my suit and that's where the buck stops. Except I may pick up a Pink shirt tomorrow.

It's much healthier to phantasize about purchases. Here's my list, that will be executed in the order written.

1. new jacket as a present for self after actually accepting a job. Maybe even two.
2. house
3. new furniture
4. fast speed internet
5. MP3 player - I must be the last person on earth who doesn't have one.
6. Digital camera

Tomorrow's to-do's:
fax papers
pee for drug test
work out
go to interview
watch a hockey game and hang out with SY if she's around

Posted by anteojos at 1:43 AM CDT
Ben Saunders
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Hot People
Ben Saunders holds several records in long-distance skiing. He's only 27! He has incredible stamina, and he is a fantastic athlete. He's funny too. Did I mention he's awful good looking? He's going to do

some calendars or something soon, I'm looking forward to seeing what he looks like underneath that polar parka. Ben's the only human being and the youngest human being to make it to the North Pole

solo. Reading the expedition logs is very interesting. Ben also keeps a very up-to-date blog on his site. He trully is an inspiration. Bummer that he has a girlfriend (heck by now they could be married).

To give you an idea of what Ben does, here's an exerpt from his travelogue:

"To get a rough idea of how my day went, head to your nearest gym, turn the air conditioning down to -30 or so, find one of those cross trainer machines and churn away on the highest setting for nine hours. To simulate the pressure ridges every 30-40 minutes, fill a plastic bathtub with the entire dumbell rack, head outside, drag it up the steps of the fire escape until you're on the roof, lower it down the other side, stop to break the icicle off your nose and return to the cross trainer. "

Posted by anteojos at 1:09 AM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 26 October 2004 1:15 AM CDT
Monday, 25 October 2004
bike ride today
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: On the way to Triathlon
you know what's weird about today's ride - things kept getting in the way of me getting there - for one, an accident on motorbikes - i'll try to post pictures as warnings to bike-riding cousins later.

Then I ran into my dad. How weird is that that he chose to visit the park same time I was there.

And then? aaaand then i only had time for the following ride, which was ok:

duration 35:47
average hr 150
in zone 17:15

I was also good about the situps in the morning. Now I'll walk the dog and run, and then maybe do the other set of situps. I'm suppose to be serious about training this and next week because the big race is just 3 weeks away and I have to build both endurance and speed too.

This weekend it is rumored that I'll be running a 10K on Sunday.

Posted by anteojos at 11:51 PM CDT
job update
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Joblog
here's a subject I don't like to talk about online. anything to do with work that's personal.

So here's an update to all ye faithful readers. I have been looking for about 2.5 months now, and there is an offer, I repeat, there is an offer on the table that I am finally happy about. Hoorah, hoorah. Tomorrow i go in to finalize the other one that's important. Watch this space for updates with final decission in the next two weeks.

As a side note, I got a new suit.

and another side note - I should probably hold off on hang gliding till I have corporate life insurance that kicks in. Some dreams can not be put off, others are worth waiting for. I will do it.

Posted by anteojos at 12:01 AM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 26 October 2004 1:14 AM CDT
Sunday, 24 October 2004
Saturday's Events
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: my own bachelorette show
MD - after Thursday, I had to text him on Friday just to tell him Ken's (former friend) idea about sending the card to europe. I got back a "ha ha and thanks for a cool date." So, I still had no idea if I'll ever hear from the guy again.

So here's my little rave for the day. He's not doing anything wrong, but I hate waiting to know if someone is into me or not. With him, I simply can't tell. It may be just a physical thing for him, I don't know what his deal is and what he wants. It's frustrating. Especially knowing some stuff about him like that he lied to me about something and won't tell me something else. Bi had an interesting perspective on this. He said this guy has been around the block a few times, he knows what he's doing. He wants to be mysterious and stuff because he knows how women's heads work. I'm seeing other people, alas, but his tactic forces me to think about him more and talk about him with my friends to try and figure it out. And that's exactly what he wants. My problem with this, if Bi's right, is that this is then a game, and I HATE games.

So the good news came when MD actually texted me at 1AM to say hi and tell me he's packing. If the dude didn't play it so cool, I'd've offered him a ride to the airport and stuff. So, since I had enough drinks at the open bar to momentarily impair my judgement, I totally didn't play it cool and I sent him a message back with the offer. He was alegidly already asleep and didn't get my message until the next day (he doesn't want me to see his place because he probably never cleans or he doesn't actually live there). So he texted me back Sunday morning, which included "I'll talk to you soon" - Finally I'm getting some communication out of this guy. So now I know he's not done with me (although I'm not holding my breath because apparently this could just be an expression but not reality). But I still don't know his intentions. He better know them though because alas there are too many people that have no clue.

Which brings me to PA. What a jerk. Texted me yesterday to confirm Sunday plans, and doesn't keep them. I'm so done with him.

Posted by anteojos at 10:33 PM CDT
Mood:  blue
Topic: pets

Coco is getting really skinny. Nothing wrong with her was found last time... that they could fix, anyway. She's geetting thin and faint. doesn't look good. I give her 1 week. Speaking of pigs, scientists are working hard on finding better ways to eat them.

Posted by anteojos at 12:01 AM CDT
Saturday, 23 October 2004
Topic: Day to Day
ok, things are getting cloudy:

tue - interview, terrible wed, date with brandon
wed - movie with jen at home, I made beef stew and this is what dinner looked like.
Also then I went to badminton with chitra
thu - Date with MD - see separate entry.
fri - shopping with la, got suit finally. stayed in after.
sat - will do:
9 call Tanja
10 workout
12 dodgeball
2 cousin happy bday
4 pancakes for halloween
6 beer school
7 boo ball

sun - shop with gina? see PL? see liz? tix exchange?
mon - hip hop nite, pick up suit and hub cap
tue - interview, terrible wed at rinconcito
wed - badminton, reed in town
thu - halloween fun begins?
Fri - more stupid halloween fun
Sat - some sort of a run in the morning
Sun - halloween still
Mon - whiskey school

Posted by anteojos at 2:38 AM CDT
Updated: Sunday, 24 October 2004 10:50 PM CDT
Saturday's Events
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Family
Saw my cousins on the account of G's 21st B-day. Hope he likes his Grey Goose. Hung out for a bit and caught up. G's changed a lot since starting college. V always cracks me up.

Posted by anteojos at 12:01 AM CDT

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